



 旧正月の新年が明けました!これで本当のYear of the Tigerが始まりましたよー。なんか、いまさらお正月気分でワクワクです。
 新暦(普段私たちが使っているこよみ)の1月1日は、毎年翌日からのイベントで全く余裕が無いので、 旧暦の正月(今日)の方が梅や桃の花をながめたり、箱根や富士山の冠雪を眺めたり、よほどお正月っぽいです。


Year of the Tiger: Big Changes AheadIn Chinese astrology the tiger is one of the most dynamic and powerful signs. Its nature is unpredictable, courageous, and explosive. Therefore, the year of the Tiger is usually associated with big changes and social disorder; 2010 is likely to be a turbulent year—on both a global and a personal level. However, those who gain an understanding of it through this article and their own spiritual awareness can cultivate the flexibility to adapt to changes and keep a steady hand on the keel through these rough waters. When you meet the challenges head on and get proactive about your health, you will be all the stronger for it by year's end.
(Yahoo! Health ~2010 Forecast: Year of the Tiger/Ask Dr.Mao)